Week 4.2: Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto

Pyramid of the Capitalist System, issued by issued by Nedeljkovich, Brashich and Kuharich (1911)
issued by Nedeljkovich, Brashick and Kuharich,
The Communist Manifesto, 17-26, 38-39
Recommended: The Communist Manifesto, 27-37
issued by Nedeljkovich, Brashick and Kuharich,

Study Questions:
1. How do Marx and Engels answer the following objections: 
  • That they want to do away with private property
  • That they want to do away with the family
  • That they want to do away with the nation
2. Begin prepping for your debate on The Communist Manifesto. Be prepared to present your arguments on the points that your group assigned you to both your group and the class.  This will also involve some degree of preliminary research.